Thursday, May 5, 2011

Illusion of Motion by Multiple Image

when we see a figure in an overlapping sequence of poses, the artist is suggesting motion through multiple images.

Illusion of Motion by Blurred Outline

the illusion of motion can be caused by a blurred outline because it is seen every day. When an object is moving quickly we do not get a clear visual image of them.

Illusion of Motion by Repeated Figure

You can get the illusion of motion by repeating figures, a comic strip is a good example.

Anticipated Motion

Anticipated motion is the implication of motion on a static two-dimensional surface caused by the viewer's past experience with a similar situation.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spatial Puzzles (Equivocal Space)

Transparency does not provide a clear spatial pattern to the viewer. When an artist uses this ambiguity to make the viewer unaware of which plane is on top and which is behind it is called equivocal space.

Multiple Perspective

Multiple Perspective is when you look at a figure or object from more than one vantage point.

Amplified Perspective

Amplified perspective is a dynamic and dramatic illusionistic effect created when an object is pointed directly at the viewer.

This is the example the book gives.